National Electricity Registration Scheme
Reach Active are a trusted Independent Connections Provider. We can be found on the official NERS registry/Independent Connections Provider online list here.
The National Electricity Registration Scheme (NERS) serves to promote competition in the electrical service market.
In the NERS scheme, the board performs technical assessments of service providers who have chosen to be assessed. Once accredited, the service provider will become a NERS provider (also known as Independent Connection Provider (ICP).
For more information regarding the Lloyd’s Register Energy and National Electricity Registration Scheme, please visit the official website here.
full approval
Scopes highlighted in green are fully accredited.
partial approval
Scopes and Services highlighted in blue are for partial approval meaning the company has the required systems and procedures to do the work but has yet to demonstrate these or is currently unavailable to offer work for surveillance.
approval due to expire
Scopes highlighted in yellow are fully accredited but are due to expire in less than one month.
gap analysis
Scopes highlighted in aqua are for GAP Analysis, meaning the company has the required systems and procedures to do the work but has yet to demonstrate these or is currently unavailable to offer work for surveillance.
approval expired
Scopes highlighted in fuchsia have now expired or have been suspended.