Reach Active scope consisted of:
- To design and build a Primary 66/11kV Compound – Including plinths and structures for disconnectors, CSE’s and CT’s
- Design and build of transformer plinths, NER plinths, LVAC Generator plinths
- Design, Installation testing and commissioning of 2nr 15/30MVA 66/11kV transformers, NERS, LVAC panels and distribution boards
- Design supply and installation of all auxiliary wiring
- Design of site compound including all fencing and parking facilities.
- External lighting & CCTV where required
- Design
- Feasibility study of proposed off site route including site investigation and associated geotechnical and mapping surveys.
- Design of off site route.
- All associated off site civils (approx. 3km) incl. Excavation, Backfill, Stok Boards/Tiles, Sand Surround, Duct Installation and Reinstatement Local Authority licencing
- Installation and jointing of 66kV cable installations including jointing testing and commissioning and terminations to National Power Grid 66kV Switchgear